Evangelist Ernies Salinas

Aug 2, 2020    Ernie Salinas, Guest Speaker    Text: Genesis 47:27; Exodus 8:22,23; 9:4-7;9:26; 10:23; 11:12-13.

In today's message Evangelist Ernie Salinas speaks about the Land of Goshen Principle found in Genesis 47:27 and also the book of Exodus. The principle is that when we are where we are supposed to be, no matter where that is, God will take care of us because we are in His hands. No matter what is happening, God will not fail us because we belong to Him and His blessings will still flow to us. And since we are in His hands, we can have peace. So when you feel the hardest things in life are happen to you, remain in Christ and rest in the work Jesus did on Calvary, for under the cross is our place of safety.

When we give our hearts to God, He takes it more seriously than we do. He will never let us go. God will always be God and He will always be in control. He delights in us and He will take care of us!