Missionary Matt & Cheryl Tallman
Our guest speaker today is Matt & Cheryl Tallman. Together they work with Open Arms International - A village Kenya, Africa where abandon babies, orphans, and youth are give a Christian home environment, a place to receive nutritional meals, medical wellness and health provision, and a solid education! They also teach sustainable farming practices and grow and sell much of the villages harvests, providing over half of their operating budget. The ministry has linked arms with another outreach team as well to expand their influence to over 5 countries.
Matt and Cheryl have been engaged with Open Arms International for more than 16 years and have seen incredible miracles, stories of lives reborn and restored, and God's faithfulness manifested in dramatica ways. Today, they both share an update on the ministry and some inspiring stories that will warm your heart.
May you be blessed by this presentation as God speaks to you about how He wants to use you to make a difference in the lives of others around the world!