Guest Speaker - Missionaries Weston & Allison Stover
Weston & Allison Stover are missionaries to the country of Malawi. In today's message Weston shares some important principles on the value of contexualizing the Gospel - bringing the truth of the Gospel into the life and environment around of the people around us. Or in the words of Weston - contexulalizing is, "Making things makes sense to people."
From Acts 17:16-23 Weston shares how the Apostle Paul did this with the great philosophers of his time by using three basic principles:
1) Starting with Genuine Affirmation (Building Trust)
2) Showing An Interest (Listening & Getting To Know Someone)
3) Finding Your Opportunity (Sensing When and How To Share)
Weston then shares how he and his wife are applying these principles in their work with the people of Malawi, assisting them in farming practices, as well as identifying and mentoring leaders from the Universities.