The Holy Estate of Matrimony
Marriage is a beautiful union between two people – a husband and a wife. Sadly, today many marriages are in trouble. The divorce rate is off the charts both in the church and outside the church. Many today are choosing to simply to live together rather than marry.
Meanwhile, secularism has distorted the definition of marriage, twisting it from a relationship between a man and a woman to include and incorporate all types of perversion. Unfortunately society has corrupted the institution of marriage with low standards and complete disregard and we are in need of a Biblical restoration of the beauty and wonder of the Holy Estate of Matrimony, and an appreciation of this sacred institution that was meant to last a lifetime.
May today’s message “Till Death Do Us Part ~ A Marriage That Lasts A Lifetime” serve to reinforce for you the value of marriage and help motivate you to strengthen your own marriage as you seek to love and serve your spouse.