From the Cradle to the Cross

Dec 24, 2023    Pastor Mark Geer

The story of Christmas is the story of Jesus’ birth. It is the story of the incarnation. It is a story that is unique and unlike any other story that has ever been told. Why is that? 

I believe it is because this story is true. It’s built on the revelation of God, backed by historical eyewitnesses, supported by truthful accounts that are miraculous in nature, and it has proven to have life-changing spiritual power! We call it the Gospel – the story of Jesus. 

This Christmas we have examined “The Infant Who Changed the Word” in four messages which you can find here on our website:

« Sunday, December 3rd ~ “From the Throne to the Manger” with a focus on Christ’s Incarnation.

« Sunday, December 10th ~ “From the Navel to the Stable” with a focus on Jesus’ Humility.

« Sunday, December 24th ~ “From the Womb into the Gloom” with a focus on Jesus as The Light of the World - Illumination.

« Sunday, December 24th ~ “From the Cradle to the Cross” with a focus on God’s Gift of Salvation.


Tonight’s message “From the Cross to the Cradle” unpacks the very reason and purpose for which Jesus was truly born. The divine plan of the Father was that His one and only Son would be the substitutionary and sacrificial Lamb of God who would die upon the cross of Calvary to take away the sin of the world.