Good Friday Service

Mar 29, 2024    Pastor Mark Geer

Good Friday is an opportunity for us to come together in response to what Jesus did for us on the cross of Calvary. To Gaze upon the scenes of Golgotha and remember Christ’s sacrifice for the sins of humanity. It also is a time for us to respond to the Lord in worship, thanksgiving, communion and reflection as we express our love and appreciation to Him for what He has done for us.


Pastor Mark takes a few moments in this message to guide us through the scenes of Christ’s Passion and reflect on what it might have been like to have been there in person. He guides us through some of the Biblical passages that highlight various characters involved in Jesus’ last days, including:


Judas – The Betrayer.

Peter – The Denier.

Disciples – Those who Forsook Him.

Annas – The Interrogating High Priest.

Caiaphas – The Corrupt High Priest.

Religious Leaders – The Brutal Blasphemous Rulers.

Jewish People – The Blood-Thirsty Crowd.

Pilate – The Guilty Governor.

Romans Soldiers – The Brutal Executioners of Crucifixion.

Thieves – The Two Guilty Robbers & Revilers of Jesus.

Repentant Thief – The One Who Prayed the Sinner’s Prayer.

Women – The Faithful Followers & Supporters of Jesus.

John – The One Whom Jesus Loved.

Simon the Cyrene – The One Who Carried Jesus’ Crossbeam.

Centurion – The One Who Professed Jesus was a Righteous Man. 

Those Faithful to the End – The Crowd, The Women, Joseph of Arimathea, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary.