Guest Speaker - Pastor Leland Geer

Dec 17, 2023    Pastor Leland Geer

Our guest speaker this Sunday is Pastor Leland Geer. We are always blessed to have him share with our congregation. He has decades of experience in pastoral ministry, biblical studies, and preaching the Word of God.

In today's message he explored the concept that Jesus has come to deal with the condition of the sinful human heart and change it. Jesus' primary focus when He came into the world was to address the spiritual perspective of man and zero in on the heart of man. Pastor Leland address the following points in this message:

#1 - The Creator of Change is Jesus Himself: You cannot change your heart, only God can.

#2 - The Conditions Establishing That Change is Following Jesus: The Bible points us to Jesus and enables us to follow Him. We must make it our primary pursuit in life to be students of the Word.

#3 - You'll Become In Time A Fisher of Men Working With God: Jesus calls us to be His witnesses and He opens the door to give us opportunities to speak of Him as we follow Him.

May you find grace and truth in God's Word shared today!