Father's Day 2023 - A Father’s Footsteps: What Will Your Legacy Be?

Jun 18, 2023    Pastor Mark Geer

Today Pastor Mark Geer addresses parents and grandparents, with a focus on fathers and grandfathers, and the importance of leaving a healthy spiritual legacy for their children and grandchildren to follow.


Good role models and examples are not the easiest to come by in our society. But they are out there. They do exist. And the most important place for them to show up is right in our homes – in the persons that have the most direct impact on our lives: our parents.


Pastor Mark guides us through the important instructions the Apostle Paul left for a young pastor named Titus. Guidelines and exhortations for the whole church, including older men and women, as well as younger men and women. They constitute the qualities for a sound church and for a solid family. If we follow these truths, we can be confident of leaving behind for our kids and grandkids a spiritual legacy worthy of following and honoring. One that will empower our kids to live righteously and godly in this present age.


More power to you fathers and mothers. Have a happy Father’s Day!