Message #118 - ESCHATOLOGY - The Doctrine of the Future: The Last Days (Part 8)

Nov 17, 2024    Pastor Mark Geer

Today we continue our Systematic Theology Series as we examine the study of Eschatology ~ the Doctrine of the Future. 


In Today’s message Pastor Mark Geer continues our discussion on The Blessed Hope of Christ’s Second Coming. The hope believers have is in the promise of Christ’s soon return and the rapture of the church, along with the resurrection of all who have fallen asleep in Jesus in this age. 


In part three of today’s topic, Pastor Mark focuses on the purpose of Christ’s Coming (which are numerous) and also the two phases of Christ’s Return, which are:

1) Phase One: The Rapture – His invisible coming in the air.

2) Phase Two: The Triumph – His visible, bodily coming to earth.


The focus of today’s message is primarily with Phase One of Christ’s Coming – The Rapture and the Judgment Seat of Christ which all believers will stand before, and how God will remove the Restrainer (the Holy Spirit) just prior to the Great Tribulation.


Our desire for this broader study of Systematic Theology for Daily Living is to take a practical look at the study of God and various elements of biblical and spiritual truth which are designed to help us all understand God and draw us nearer to Him as our Creator and to Jesus Christ as our Savior.