Dec 18, 2022    Pastor Mark Geer

Today’s message continues our Christmas Series for 2022. Our theme is “Peace on Earth”. Few would argue with the fact that our world is desperately wicked, irreparably broken, and falling further into destructive chaos and war. We are desperate for deliverance. In need of salvation. And we long for God’s peace to reign here on this earth. 


How wonderful to discover that Christmas is God’s GIFT of peace to those who will receive it and embrace it. God sent His one and only Son Jesus, to be born of a virgin, to take on flesh, and through His incarnation to restore humanity into a relationship with God through Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross and resurrection three days later. 


Christmas is God’s gift of peace. And this gift results in an overflowing, endless fountain of joy for those who receive it. It offers a new look at life from a heavenly perspective. An outlook that enables Believers to rejoice, in spite of the difficult trials and circumstances they may face, knowing that God is working behind the scenes His glorious plan!