Welcome to our Christmas Day Service. We hope you enjoy the time of worship, communion and candle lighting as well as other special aspects of the service.
Today’s message is a short conclusion to our Christmas Series for 2022. Our theme has been “Peace on Earth”. Few would argue with the fact that our world is desperately wicked, irreparably broken, and falling further into destructive chaos and war. We are desperate for deliverance. In need of salvation. And we long for God’s peace to reign here on this earth.
How wonderful to discover that the answer to our world’s need is Jesus! Christmas is God’s miraculous gift of His one and only Son, Jesus, who came to be born of a virgin, to take on flesh, and through His incarnation to restore humanity into a relationship with God through Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross and resurrection three days later.
God was very specific about instructing the Angels, Joseph, and Mary that His Son would be given the name Jesus. It is a name that means “salvation”. God was declaring in the gift of His Son that He would be the salvation of the earth, to all who put their trust and faith in Him and would call upon His name for salvation. Have you? I hope so. Merry Christmas!