Dr. Don Detrick

Aug 11, 2024    Dr. Don Detrick

Pastor Mark & Michelle Geer are on Summer Sabbatical for the months of June, July and August. We are privileged to have a number of guest speakers filling in for them this summer and we warmly welcome them to The Journey.

Today's guest speaker is Dr. Don Detrick, who speaks about "The Jesus Hearted Father" and how Jesus came to reveal to us the Father's heart for those who are lost in sin, far from God, and who are in need of being found and given the opportunity to discover and experience the forgiveness of God. This message is for ALL of us, and especially for YOU - if you have not accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior.

We pray you will be blessed by today's message and allow it to motivate you to consider opening your heart to Jesus today. If you do not know Jesus as your personal Savior and you are interested in learning more about becoming a follower of Jesus, please reach out to us through our website "Contact Us" form and we'd be happy to give you some guidance in this area. God bless you!

More Information about the Detricks: The Detricks have spent more than 25 years in local church pastoral ministry in Oregon and Washington, including 13 years as lead pastor at Bethel Church in Chehalis, WA. They have a passion for ministry and strengthening the mission of the church and fulfill this passion by engaging with young/emerging leaders, coaching, consulting, and counseling pastors.

Pastor Don currently serves as an associate network leader with the Northwest Ministry Network of the Assemblies of God with more than 300 churches and nearly 1400 ministers in our network covering Washington and North Idaho.

In addition to Don and Jodie’s love for ministry and serving the Kingdom of God, they also love to write! They have published numerous articles and books, including:

1) Growing Disciples Organically: The Jesus Method of Spiritual Formation (Deep River Books, 2013) [Don Detrick]

2) The Jesus Hearted Woman: 10 Leadership Qualities for Enduring and Endearing Influence (Salubris Resources, 2015) [Jodie Detrick]

3) The Settled Soul: Tenaciously Abiding with a Tender God (Gospel Publishing House, 2020) [Jodie Detrick]

Jodie was also a columnist for The Seattle Times, one of America’s leading newspapers, for several years.

But that’s not all! They both love to learn, grow and teach! 

1) Don earned a Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) in missional leadership at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, and M.A. in counseling from Luther Rice Seminary, and a B.S. in pastoral ministries from New Hope Christian College (formerly Eugene Bible College). He also serve as an adjunct professor at Northwest University (Kirkland, WA) and The Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (Springfield, MO).

2) Jodie earned a Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) seminary degree in leadership at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, and also serves as an adjunct professor at Northwest University (Kirkland, WA). She is also a certified coach who helps clients get “unstuck” so they can reach their goals and is a frequent speaker at various events and conferences for all kinds of groups across America (and beyond). She writes, “I absolutely love to talk to people at heart-level about things that matter most.” 

The Detricks have been married for 40 years, and have 3 children and 3 grandchildren. They have many hobbies they enjoy doing together, and some of Don’s hobbies include: photography, restoring and collecting antiques, and trimming bonsai trees! 

You can view Don’s photography website here to purchase or download photos:
