Pastor Leland Geer

Aug 25, 2024    Pastor Leland Geer

Pastor Mark & Michelle Geer are on Summer Sabbatical for the months of June, July and August. We are privileged to have a number of guest speakers filling in for them this summer and we warmly welcome them to The Journey.

Today's guest speaker is once again Pastor Leland Geer. He is a retired minister of over 50 years in pastoral ministry and counseling service and serves here at The Journey as an assistant pastor. His message today touches on the spiritual conduct of believers in giving to the work of God. This message will truly help you focus on being generous and excelling in generosity with a God-minded focus. It is an incredible look at giving from a God's perspective and intention.

We pray you will be blessed by today's message and allow it to motivate you to excel in generosity in your giving to the Lord. Also, if you do not know Jesus as your personal Savior and you are interested in learning more about becoming a follower of Jesus, please reach out to us through our website "Contact Us" form and we'd be happy to give you some guidance in this area. God bless you!