#4 - The Sequential Steps on a Journey with Jesus (Part 3)

Mar 19, 2023    Pastor Mark Geer

Today we continue our series on our Church Primary Strategies as we go deeper in exploring our church invitational model for ministry by looking at a series of sequential steps that people tend to take on their Journey to and with Jesus as they walk through this life. 


It’s a fascinating journey. Some of the steps are spiritually mentioned in Scripture and are Biblical requirements of knowing and following Jesus. Others are more sociological and practical and are steps that we can help facilitate and encourage as we walk alongside of people and assist them in their journey with Jesus. 


Today’s steps include learning to give and serve in the local church as we engage in a commitment to follow Christ. These steps involve signing up for an informational class, new member training, learning about the value of stewardship, gift discovery, everyone finding a place to serve and participating in team leadership.


We hope your exploration with us will inspire you not only about the mission of God, but also to see your place and role within the Body of Christ and our church ministry model as we seek to reach those who do not know Jesus personally with the gospel of Jesus Christ.