#1 - Our Purpose & Ministry Model

Feb 5, 2023    Pastor Mark Geer

Today we begin a series on our Church Primary Strategies as we explore our church invitational model for ministry. 


In a world full of distraction, with things vying for our attention and pulling us in every which direction, it is super important that we as the church of Jesus Christ keep a clear focus on what God has called us to do. We need a clear vision and a serious strategy. We need a know-how concerning what we are to do ~ and a plan for how to do it!


Our attempt at keeping a clear focus includes understanding our purpose as a church, and having established strategies for how we are to carry out that mission. So we have adopted an invitational ministry model based on Scriptural precedent to help us fulfill our calling as we follow Jesus.


In fact, even Jesus has a strategic strategy for ministry while He was here on earth. In Luke 9:1-6 – when He sent out the 12 disciples; and in Luke 10:1-20 – when He sent out the 70 disciples we see that He told them exactly what to do [preach the kingdom of God, heal the sick, don’t worry about money, food, clothing] and told them how to do it [giving them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases; and His model was to send them out 2 by 2!!!]


We hope your exploration with us will inspire you not only about the mission of God, but also to see your place and role within the ministry model as we seek to reach those who do not know Jesus personally with the gospel of Jesus Christ.