Evangelist Ernie Salinas
Evangelist Ernie Salinas shares in our evening service a wonderful concept from the Old Testament Tabernacle regarding the powerful presence and provision of God that translates from the Past to the Present to the Future! Check out these key thoughts in this message as you listen:
1) Moses was instructed to build the tabernacle and furniture as he had seen it displayed in heaven.
2) These are types (shadows) of the heavenly realm!
3) The Table of Shewbread (aka "showbread") unveils the provision and blessing of God - from the manna the Israelites enjoyed in their wilderness wanderings, to the ever present fresh aroma of the bread upon the table in the tabernacle, and now the presence of Christ as the Bread of Life today in our lives.
4) The Fire on the altar also symbolizes the anointing and presence of God that we enjoy today - it was God's supernatural fire that was to never be allowed to die out. Our obligation is to keep this fire of the Holy Spirit stoked and burning in our lives,
We hope you find encouragement in this message and that it motivates each of us to keep revival in our hearts and lives as we share the love of Jesus with others.