Evangelist Ernie Salinas
Apr 18, 2021 • Ernie Salinas, Guest Speaker • Sunday Morning Message 10:30 am / Text: Matthew 24:36-39, Genesis 6:5-9
Evangelist Ernie Salinas shares a relevant message with us regarding these days in which we are living. Touching on the current climate of our culture, dealing with the influence of COVID, and the changing times he shows us from Christ's own words and warnings the following:
1) The wickedness that will prevail upon the earth at the Second Coming of Christ.
2) The urgency of the hours in which we are living.
3) The power of Noah's testimony of righteousness in his day.
4) The significance of the testimony of the Church in our day!
We hope you find encouragement in this message and that it motivates each of us to take evaluation of our faith in Christ and our walk with Him.