"Get Moving!"
Pastor Ashley Keck gives a motivational talk this Sunday entitled “Get Moving”. Using Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 4:19, and 2 Corinthians 5:17 she spoke about being a disciple and discipling others. She shares these three points on what is a disciple?
1) A disciple is someone who is following Christ.
2) A disciple is someone who is being changed by Jesus.
3) A disciple is committed to the mission of Jesus.
She also shares “Christ's Method” of discipleship:
1) Share: Jesus shared the Gospel and His life with His disciples.
2) Connect: Jesus reached out and connected with people.
3) Minister: Jesus taught His disciples how to minister to others and He gave them what they needed to meet the needs of others.
4) Disciple: Jesus chose 12 men to follow Him and learn Kingdom truth from Him.
May you be blessed by this message and discover the joy of being a Disciple of Jesus and fulfilling His mission by going and making other disciples!