"Are You A Disciple?"

Feb 19, 2023    Pastor Josh Keck

Pastor Josh Keck gives a stirring talk in this message on the topic of “Are You A Disciple?”  In it he answers the question, "Why is it important to be a disciple?" If Jesus is Who He says He is (and He is), then we have to believe Him and follow Him as He commanded. And discipleship is what Jesus required of the church. (Luke 14:25-35; John 10:27)

In today's message Pastor Josh gives these six characteristics of a disciple:

1) A true disciple will put God as a priority over family and friends and consistently choose holiness over worldly choices.

2) A true disciple will model self-sacrifice over self-centeredness. 

3) A true disciple embraces the life of pain rather than assuming a life of pleasure. 

4) A true disciple elevates relationship with God over religion. 

5) A true disciple will choose commitment to God over convenience.  

6) A true disciple is useful, not useless. 


May you be blessed by this message and discover the joy of being a Disciple of Jesus!