Testimony Sunday
We are excited to share with you a number of personal testimonies of people from our congregation who have experienced the grace of God in their lives and have surrendered their hearts and lives to live and serve Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Their stories reflect on the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ, who came to earth to give His life as the ultimate sacrifice for mankind's sins. As God incarnate (in the flesh), Jesus' holy life and His total surrender to death on the cross of Calvary accomplished the atonement for sin and redemption of humanity that God the Father required. His burial and resurrection to life three days later provided affirmation of His deity, the effectiveness of His sacrifice, and now the witness of His Holy Spirit indwelling Christ Followers today continues to witness to the saving grace of God.
We hope you are inspired by these simple testimonies and that they arouse in you an interest and spiritual desire to know Jesus Christ yourself.
Today's Testimonies Include: Mike Smith, Sharon and Dave Smith, Alma Clark, Pastor Mark Geer (video), and Pastor Mark's parents, Berniece Geer and Pastor Leland Geer. Our moderator for today's service is Roland Fernandez.