Message #79 - PNEUMATOLOGY - The Person & Work of the Holy Spirit (Part 8)
Today we continue our Systematic Theology Series and the study of Pneumatology ~ the study of the Holy Spirit of God.
Pastor Mark Geer begins a special look at the Work of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament from Pentecost and beyond, considering first His work in the Human Experience.
In today’s message we examine the Holy Spirit’s involvement in the life of non-believers, or otherwise described as people of secular society who are not saved and do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. This was really all of us at one point or time, when we were trapped in the devil’s lies, bound by the enemy, and dead in our sins and trespasses. Yet God, in His gracious love, has sent the Holy Spirit to draw us to Himself and convict us of our sin, the truth of Christ, and the judgment of Satan.
This is a very important message for us to hear as we see the decay of our society more and more, day by day. The Holy Spirit is here to restrain the darkness and the work of the devil for a period of time, but there is coming a day when the restrainer will be taken out of the way and the tide of evil will flood the earth. Today is the day to respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit and yield your life over to the Lordship of Jesus! We hope that you will consider doing that after hearing this message, and if so, please contact us and let us encourage you in this new found life and journey with Jesus!
Our desire for this broader study of Systematic Theology for Daily Living is to take a practical look at the study of God and various elements of biblical and spiritual truth which are designed to help us all understand God and draw us nearer to Him as our Creator and to Jesus Christ as our Savior.