Message #3 - The Advent of Christmas: Joy to the World!
Our Christmas Series is entitled Christmas Joy. It is my firm conviction that God desires to fill our lives with unspeakable joy, overflowing elation, and eternal gladness. The Advent of Christ ~ Christmas, is what truly brings this joy into human hearts.
Today's talk focuses on The Advent of Christmas and is a look at Joy that Jesus Brought to the World when He came on that first Christmas! The Nativity story is one of the most widely told, illustrated, and heart-warming stories the world has ever heard, and rightly so! It is the true story of the Savior's birth! Announced by angels, received by shepherds, reflected upon by Joseph and Mary, celebrated by Simeon and Anna, and experienced by the wise men ~ this story is for all mankind and sure to bring unending joy into your life.
I hope and pray that your experience of Christmas in this year of 2020 is one of ultimate joy, faith and hope for a brighter future. In spite of this being the year of COVID-19, may we proclaim together the message of Christmas Joy and celebrate the miraculous and supernatural Advent of Christ at Christmas.