Message #2 - The Build-up to Christmas: Prophecies in the Making

Dec 13, 2020    Pastor Mark Geer    Text: Isaiah 7:14; 9:1-7; 53:1-12

Our Christmas Series is entitled Christmas Joy. It is my firm conviction that God desires to fill our lives with unspeakable joy, overflowing elation, and eternal gladness. The Advent of Christ ~ Christmas, is what truly brings this joy into human hearts.

Today's talk focuses on The Build-up to Christmas and is a look at Prophecies in the Making throughout the Old Testament. These prophecies are messages God inspired and used to foretell of the coming Messiah who would be the Deliverer of Israel and the Savior of the world. The spell out hope, comfort, victory and joy for those who will learn of them and believe in them.

I pray that your experience of Christmas in this year of 2020 is one of ultimate joy, faith and hope for a brighter future. In spite of this being the year of COVID-19, may we proclaim together the message of Christmas Joy and celebrate the miraculous and supernatural Advent of Christ at Christmas.