Message #4 - The Promise of Christmas: A Future Filled With Hope

Dec 27, 2020    Pastor Mark Geer    Text: Acts 2:14-28; Jeremiah 31:15-17; Romans 8:24-25

Our Christmas Series is entitled Christmas Joy. It is my firm conviction that God desires to fill our lives with unspeakable joy, overflowing elation, and eternal gladness. The Advent of Christ ~ Christmas, is what truly brings this joy into human hearts.

Today's talk focuses on The Promise of Christmas and is a look at how Christ's First Advent has brought us An Incredible Future Filled With Hope! When one thinks about the impact of Jesus' incarnation and the promises that He has given to us as His followers, you can not help but rejoice as you look ahead to the glorious future He has prepared for those who love Him. Today we examine five great promises that are ours because of that First Advent.

I hope and pray that your experience of Christmas in this year of 2020 is one of ultimate joy, faith and hope for a brighter future. In spite of this being the year of COVID-19, may we proclaim together the message of Christmas Joy and celebrate the miraculous and supernatural Advent of Christ at Christmas.