Message #91 - PNEUMATOLOGY - The Person & Work of the Holy Spirit (Part 20)

Oct 29, 2023    Pastor Mark Geer

Today we continue our Systematic Theology Series and the study of Pneumatology ~ which is the study of the Holy Spirit of God.


Pastor Mark Geer continues our detailed study of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and how these manifestations of God’s Spirit, wisdom and power are intended to empower us in our daily lives, anoint us for church ministry, and emboldened us for service to others in our community.

Today we examine the important steps of testing and receiving the gifts of the Spirit. While the Spirit sovereignly chooses whom He will work through and which gifts He will distribute to individual believers, the incarnational nature of these gifts in most cases necessarily involves the engagement of man. At times there can be excess, vain pride, human error, and even selfish motivation. Consequently, God saw fit to inspire Paul to write down various guidelines, disciplines, advice and commands regarding the exercise of the gifts in personal prayer and corporate worship settings. 

In today’s message we look at the importance of testing the exercise of the gifts of the Spirit and also several important steps one can take to align themselves spiritually to receive these gifts of the Spirit being manifested in their life.


Our desire for this broader study of Systematic Theology for Daily Living is to take a practical look at the study of God and various elements of biblical and spiritual truth which are designed to help us all understand God and draw us nearer to Him as our Creator and to Jesus Christ as our Savior.