Message #76 - PNEUMATOLOGY - The Person & Work of the Holy Spirit (Part 5)

Jul 2, 2023    Pastor Mark Geer

Today we continue our Systematic Theology Series and the study of Pneumatology ~ the study of the Holy Spirit of God.

Pastor Mark Geer begins a special look at the Work of the Holy Spirit in the life and person of Jesus Christ in a study of the Gospels. 


In today’s message we examine the Holy Spirit’s involvement in Jesus’ life at conception, His birth, His childhood, as well as at His baptism in water. It is simply and complexly amazing!

Our desire for this broader study of Systematic Theology for Daily Living is to take a practical look at the study of God and various elements of biblical and spiritual truth which are designed to help us all understand God and draw us nearer to Him as our Creator and to Jesus Christ as our Savior.