Message #43 – CHRISTOLOGY - The Doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ (Part 5)
Today we continue our series of messages in our Systematic Theology study called Christology. It is the study of the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ and today we continue our look at the deity of Christ. In today’s message we explore the nature of the union between Christ’s divinity and humanity, which is often called the Hypostatic Union.
“It is,” as one theologian says, “by far the most amazing miracle of the entire Bible—far more amazing than the resurrection and more amazing even than the creation of the universe. The fact that the infinite, omnipotent, eternal Son of God could become man and join himself to a human nature forever so that infinite God became one person with finite man—that will remain for eternity the most profound miracle and the most profound mystery in all the universe.” ~ Wayne Grudem
So let’s study this mystery together!
Our desire for this broader study of Systematic Theology for Daily Living is to take a practical look at the study of God and various elements of biblical and spiritual truth which are designed to help us all understand God and draw us nearer to Him as our Creator and to Jesus Christ as our Savior.