Message #13 – Theology: The Nature of God (Part 7) – “The Decrees & Activities of God”
Today's message concludes a series of talks on the Nature of God. While we can never fully understand God in all of His infinite glory, incredible knowledge and amazing characteristics, we can get to know Him personally based on His self-revelation contained in His Word the Bible!
Today's alk is focused on the Decrees of God and His Activities in the world. These include the eternal plan of God revealed in Scripture for the universe and humanity which God decreed before the foundations of the world were laid or time ever began. God activities include His works in creation and His sovereign rule over the universe which is seen in His preservation of it and His divine providence over all things.
This study of Systematic Theology is a practical look at the study of God and elements of biblical and spiritual truth designed to help us all understand God and draw us nearer to Him as our Creator and to Christ as our Savior.