Message #97 - ECCLESIOLOGY - The Doctrine of the New Testament Church (Part 3)

Jan 28, 2024    Pastor Mark Geer

Our message today continues our Systematic Theology Series with a study of Ecclesiology ~ the study of the Doctrine of the New Testament Church. 

Today we transition from the topic of The Establishment of the Church to The Nature of the Church as we begin to examine it’s character. What is the Church like? How is it identified? Who is a part of its makeup? 


In this message we give a definition of the Church, discuss some Biblical terms used to describe the members of the Church, and then focus on how the Church is Universal, Yet Local; Invisible, Yet Visible.


Our desire for this broader study of Systematic Theology for Daily Living is to take a practical look at the study of God and various elements of biblical and spiritual truth which are designed to help us all understand God and draw us nearer to Him as our Creator and to Jesus Christ as our Savior.