Message #94 - PNEUMATOLOGY - The Person & Work of the Holy Spirit (Part 23)

Nov 26, 2023    Pastor Mark Geer

Today we continue our Systematic Theology Series and the study of Pneumatology ~ which is the study of the Holy Spirit of God.


Pastor Mark Geer brings to a close a three-part message on the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. One of the most powerful pieces of evidence of the indwelling Spirit of God in the lives of believers is the character of Christ being formed in us, including love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.


Previously, we introduce the Fruit of the Spirit and contrast it to the works of the flesh listed in Galatians 5:16-26, before examining the first element of the Fruit of the Spirit which is the productivity of love.  And last week we examined the next four elements of the Fruit of the Spirit, including Joy, Peace, Longsuffering and Kindness. 


Now today, in our final message, we examine the last four elements of the Fruit of the Spirit, which include Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control. These elements are a product of the character of Christ manifested in our lives by the indwelling Holy Spirit. They produce of rich life of wholesome quality and noble character impacting our daily lives, marriage, family and relationships, as well as producing inner tranquility and abundant joy.


Our desire for this broader study of Systematic Theology for Daily Living is to take a practical look at the study of God and various elements of biblical and spiritual truth which are designed to help us all understand God and draw us nearer to Him as our Creator and to Jesus Christ as our Savior.